Hello! Orders are typically processed in 1-2 business days. FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $75 or above. Otherwise, flat rate shipping of just $10 (including insulation, ice packs, gift wrapping & gift notes). Thank you!

Visit & Contact

Be still, expand, light up. Just for a moment.


We ship year-round, or you can stop by in person! We have masks and hand sanitizer on hand for your convenience (but masking is optional).

WHOLESALE...we've got options for you!

1) To receive our sell sheet, shoot us an email or fill out the form below.

2) buy from us on Faire

Snail Mail & Physical Address

Farmhouse Chocolates
25 Mountain View Street
Suite B
Bristol, VT 05443


M-F: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat.-Sun: varies

(varies = sometimes open on these days, sometimes closed this time of the year; please call ahead)

(802) 349-6228


Much of the year we are here 5-7 days a week, 10 hours or more a day. So beyond our official open hours, you may very well find us here.

Feel free to call us at (802) 349-6228, email us at info@farmhousechocolates.com, or contact us using the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!